How to SSH EC2 instance with ssh-agent along with SSH agent forwarding to SSH private instances in VPC?
Image Source: and modified by me Hi, I have taken this post from AWS Blog, and this very important to SSH into your VM using ssh-agent and SSH forwarding for EC2 private instance to SSH without storing the private key securely in Windows, Mac, and Linux. So, I want you to using this as this is very important as per security reasons. Configuring ssh-agent The first step in using SSH agent forwarding with EC2 instances is to configure a bastion in your VPC. We suggest that the instance you use for your bastion be purpose-built and that you use it only as a bastion and not for anything else. The bastion should also be set up with a security group that’s configured to listen only on the SSH port (TCP/22). Always remember the following when configuring your bastion: Never place your SSH private keys on the bastion instance. Instead, use SSH agent forwarding to connect first to the bastion and from t...