
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to SSH EC2 instance with ssh-agent along with SSH agent forwarding to SSH private instances in VPC?

            Image Source: and modified by me        Hi, I have taken this post from AWS Blog, and this very important to SSH into your VM using ssh-agent and SSH forwarding for EC2 private instance to SSH without storing the private key securely in Windows, Mac, and Linux.  So, I want you to using this as this is very important as per security reasons. Configuring ssh-agent The first step in using SSH agent forwarding with EC2 instances is to configure a bastion in your VPC. We suggest that the instance you use for your bastion be purpose-built and that you use it only as a bastion and not for anything else. The bastion should also be set up with a security group that’s configured to listen only on the SSH port (TCP/22).  Always remember the following when configuring your bastion: Never place your SSH private keys on the bastion instance. Instead, use SSH agent forwarding to connect first to the bastion and from t...

How to Convert PEM KeyFile into PPK KeyFile and vice versa?

Hi, In this post, we will learn that how can we convert PEM KeyFile into PPK KeyFile and vice versa including the installation of the tool which we will use to accomplish this. For the Windows Operating System In Windows system is easy and straight forward. You just need a tool called "puttygen.exe" from the URL - Choose the appropriate version as per your OS. Convert PEM into PPK in Windows After downloading the PuTTYgen and open it, load your file (select All Files (*.*) in the bottom dropdown to select your PEM key file).  You will get a message Successfully imported foreign key, Just click OK, Now click on Save private key button to save that key in the location where do you want to save it. Convert PPK into PEM in Windows Now we will convert PPK file into PEM using PuTTYgen in Windows PC Open the PuTTYgen tool, now load your PPK file into it, and finally, Go to Conversions Menu and Click on Export OpenSSH k...